Narrator : one day, The Green Giant, Buto Ijo, passed by their house. He heard what they were praying for.
Mother : Oh, my God! Who are you?
Giant : I’m Buto Ijo.
Father : Who’s that, honey?
Mother : Oh husband, Buto Ijo is in front of our home. I’m scared, he will kill both of us.
Giant : Whoa .. ha … ha… don’t be afraid. I’m not going to kill you. But I will fulfill your request to have a child.
Father : What? Are you kidding?
Giant : No … no… I’m serious, yes, I’m serious. If you don’t believe me, it doesn’t matter.
Mother : All right … All right. My husband, let’s see what he can do to help us.
Giant : Look, here are some cucumber seeds. Plant these seeds, then you’ll get a daughter.
Father : Do youy mean it? It’s so easy.
Giant : yes, I mean it. But remember, on her seventeenth birthday, I’ll come back to take the girl.
Mother : Oh, husband .. please I want a child. Let’s try his offer.
Father : But .. but .. alright. Okay, I’ll take your offer.
Mother : Oh, thank you, Buto Ijo.
Giant : Whoa .. ha .. ha.. See you again seventeen years from now. And remember your promise.
Act 2:
Narrator : The couple planted the seeds. Months later, a golden cucumber grew ini the yard. The cucumber was getting bigger and bigger each day. When it was ripe, they picked it.
Father : Wife, take a look at this cucumber. What a big one.
Mother : It is, husband. I think it’s time for us to open it up. Don’t you think so?
Father : Yes, let’s cut it into two.
Narrator : Carefully, they cut the cucumber into two. To their surprise, they found a beautiful baby girl inside the cucumber. How joyful they were.
Mother : Look, husband! There is a baby girl inside this cucumber.
Father : Yes, there is. Oh, God, thank you so much .. thank you so much.
Mother : I think I will name her Timun Mas, husband.
Father : I agree with you because she came from the cucumber and she is really cute and has fair skin.
Act 4
Narrator : Years passed by and Timun Mas grew into a lovely girl. Her parents were very proud of her but their hearts hurt so bad when they remembered their promise to Buto Ijo. The couple then remembered that there was a sacred hermit living in the mountain. So, they went there for help.
Mother : Please, good hermit, help us. Don’t let Buto Ijo take our dearest daughter. She’s been with us for seventeen years.
Father : Yes, good hermit. I can’t do anything to prevent him. What shall we do? Please help us.
Hermit : Please stop crying. Here is a bundle. There are four things and messages inside. They will help Timun Mas run away from the giant.
Father : Thank you, good hermit.
Act 5
Narrator : On Timun Mas’s seventeenth birthday, Buto Ijo came for the couple’s promise.
Giant : Whoa .. ha .. ha.. Hey, peasant .. where is your daughter? I come here to pick her up. Remember the promise you said to me.
Father : Be patient … Buto Ijo .. Timun Mas, my daughter is playing in the field.
Giant : Huh … I know you’re lying. But never mind I’ll find her by myself.
Father : Timun Mas, come here, child. Take this bundle. It contains chili seeds, salt, cucumber seeds, and shrimp paste. Throw each of them when the giant get closer to you. These will help you get away from the giant. Run as fast as you can.
Act 6
Narrator : The giant chased Timun Mas and he was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then took a handful of salt from the bundle. She spread out of the salt. Suddenly a wide sea appeared between them. The giant had to swim to reach her.
Timun Mas was still running. But now the giant almost caught her. Quickly, she took the chili seeds and threw them at the giant. The seeds suddenly grew into some trees and trapped the giant. The trees grew some thorns as sharp as a knife. The giant screamed painfully.
Giant : Ouch…ouch… this girl is not nice! You want to play with me?? Okay, what’s the game, huh?
Timun Mas : .. he still chasing me. I must run….
Narrator : Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But soon she was very tired herself. And things were getting worse too!
Giant : hey.. Timun Mas You can’t run from me. I’ll get you…..
Timun Mas : Oh, god. Please help me. This is my last hope.
Narator : Desperately she then threw her last weapon, the shrimp paste. The paste turned into a big swam.
Giant : Oh, no what is this? It’s so sticky and smells fishy! Timun Mas…! I swear I will swallow you as soon as I catch you!
Narrator : The Giant fell into the swamp but his hands almost reached Timun Mas. Suddenly the swamp pulled him to the bottom.
Giant : Oh, no …help…help…help…
Narrator : The Giant panicked for he couldn’t breathe. Finally he drowned. Timun Mas was very relieved. She was safe now. From then on, Timun Mas lived happily with her perents with no fear anymore.
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